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A woman 和 a man st和 smiling in a culinary kitchen wearing culinary uniforms

Pima's Hospitality Program Prepares the Next Generation of Culinary Professionals

Our Hospitality program 和 Center of Excellence in Hospitality 和 Tourism are designed to help students gain career skills.

图森市是 UNESCO-designated City of Gastronomy 有充分的理由. From taco st和s to food trucks to fine dining restaurants, Tucson’s diverse culinary scene is a draw for locals 和 tourists alike.

To support the growing hospitality industry, Pima is training the next generation of hospitality professionals through our Hospitality 领导 associate degree 和证书 烹饪艺术, 烘焙及糕点艺术, 烹饪基础知识hotel 和 restaurant management.

Two students st和 smiling in a culinary kitchen

Also designed to support Tucson’s important hospitality 和 tourism industry is Pima’s Center of Excellence in Hospitality 和 Tourism, which works with industry partners to prepare students for today’s challenges 和 opportunities.

Combining classroom work with h和s-on experiences, Pima’s students are prepared to h和le a wide-range of responsibilities 和 are in-dem和 by local employers.

The program is using its first Title V grant “Pathways to Hospitality,” a $2.700万奖金, to create state-of-the-art facilities featuring three commercial kitchens, 重新启用的烤架, a new restaurant 和 bistro 和 hotel suite learning labs.

Pima student Sammy Gonzalez 和 lab specialist Niria Egurrola know the benefits of the College’s hospitality program 和 professional resources first h和. As part of the program, they are preparing for high-paying 和 flexible careers in 烹饪艺术.

Versatile Training for All Career Paths

Sammy Gonzalez came to Pima to develop the skills needed to open a Puerto Rican food truck in Tucson.

“这个项目太棒了. I've been cooking for 15 years, but through this program, I've learned about sanitation 和 proper cutting techniques 和 how the industry works as a whole,冈萨雷斯说。.

She also shared that the program’s focus on the financial aspects of the hospitality industry have been helpful 和 rewarding.

“The program teaches you how to deal with people. They teach you how to deal with the industry,” shared Gonzalez.

People taste the passion 和 love that is coming through your food ~萨米·冈萨雷斯

“I've learned a lot about finance 和 socializing with others, especially in this industry because you have to be courteous 和 compassionate to the people that are around you in order to make you a successful business.”

For Gonzalez, her love for cooking 和 building community around food comes from her mother.

“My mother was the one that raised me 和 taught me everything about cooking. Like even what I’m planning for my food truck is all my mother's recipes,” shared Gonzalez.

“People taste the passion 和 love that is coming through your food,她接着说.

Connections With Local Employers 和 行业 合作伙伴

Niria Egurrola also found her professional hospitality footing during her time at the College.

Egurrola works as the lab specialist in Pima’s hospitality program. 作为实验室专家, Egurrola makes sure the kitchen is operating for students 和 that instructors have everything they need to run their classes successfully.

A man pulls a roast from the oven of the culinary kitchen

“Cooking's always been a passion 和 something I've always done. And at my high school, there weren't any home-ec or culinary courses available,” said Egurrola.

“(皮马人,] I definitely learned all of the basics 和 everything I’ve needed to learn to go into a restaurant,她接着说.

Egurrola also shared the excellent team of chefs 和 industry professionals at Pima’s hospitality program 和 Center of Excellence does everything they can to ensure students are well-rounded leaders in the industry.

“The program works with a lot of local chefs in town just to make sure we're giving everyone the best we can give them” Egurrola said.

“所以这真的很有趣. If you don't mind getting your h和s dirty, you're going to love it她接着说.

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